Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Seeking miracles

Sorry about last week.  We did have quite a good time hiking tho!

This week includes details of jeopardy, mission home fireside, some sort of tango ice blast slurpee thing, and a nice clean flat.

Yah as you read, not a super hype week. Had some meetings as per usual and some pretty norm days. I'll be as detailed as I'd like and I hope you enjoy!!

So a while back a nice member named Seb Wilkinson (so cool) invited us and the York 1st Ward sisters to do an activity for the youth 14-18 at the start of their youth convention. A 4 day 3 night party!! The vision was for the youth to have an experience with the Holy Ghost about missionary work. So the jeopardy was fantastic. Some really challenging questions but very important in missionary work. They were all quite surprised and didn't know much haha. Jeopardy was the first half then we transitioned into a spiritual aspect by singing 'As sisters in Zion and Armies of Helaman' Q&A with the missionaries!! They asked lots and lots of questions and the spirit was so special!! After so many youth thanked us ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ made us so happy.

Elder ร–rtegren and I on splits teaching Nancy about the Book of Mormon.

Fast forward to Wednesday, we had a pancake breakfast as a district followed by a nice meeting where we all learned about the importance of the spirit in all things. Using the spirit in finding and teaching is possibly the most important when it comes to missionary work. If the Holy Ghost isn't leading your actions then you might as well give up because it's near impossible to teach spiritual things without the spirit. We talked about prayer and scripture study and striving to be more like Jesus Christ. The more we involve the Savior in our work the closer inline we can be to doing the what God would have us do. Seeking miracles.

Saturday we went and got tango ice blasts which is a slurpee but much more refined. Antoinette and a few other older youth from the ward. The ice blasts are special, y ou know when you drink too much slurp and all the juice runs out and it looks like snow capped mountains, well that never happened!  It was carbonated (I think) tasted magical ๐ŸŒˆ

Sunday was such a fantastic day. Testimony meeting was really good I could feel the spirit confirm so many truths to me. I love the ward here ❤️. Something special happened for the 3rd hour! We 4 missionaries in York went to Relief Society!!!! It was definitely a different experience. We counselled with the sisters on how they can better help the missionaries in their efforts.

The first Sunday of every month there is a mission home musical fireside. On Sunday we got to go with Antoinette. I had a super special sabbath day. I think it was a combination of things but the grand slam was when we had a little testimony meeting at the fireside. A real gem of a missionary shared his conversion story. The spirit testified to me that the blessings from God are innumerable. The blessing that come from making those sacred covenants at baptism. Simply put, taking the moment to follow the Saviour Jesus Christ.

In my personal study recently I have been mid way through Alma. Chapter 36 stands out. Alma is testifying to his son H elaman. Repentance comes through faith in Jesus Christ. One of the biggest focuses I have had recently is helping others experience the joy of repenting. I know my Savior lives. He loves you and loves me.

Catch you all later!! Enjoy the wedding and gma and paka!!

Elder C. Pilling

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