Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas and Such

Well this week is kinda a blur. Mostly because not much happened and I
had a nasty cold. People tend to be busy this time of year, not sure
why 😉. So because of this Christmas season we didn't have any
lessons... lots and lots of walking. This past week our zone focus was
to contact all investigators who have been to church. We have about
16, ranging from 6 years old to a couple months. Positive contacts
from a few!!! Which was nice. Wednesday we had a multi zone Christmas
party. Leeds zone, Huddersfield zone, Sheffield zone, Hull zone.
Wednesday also happened to be the peak of my cold. Chills, headache,
sore throat, cough with phlegm. The whole shebam, got it all. So that
really sucked. Not to mention they ran out of food. And we happened to
be at the back of the line so I was also hungry :/ but Thursday turned
up a little tea at a recent converts house! She's the best.  Her name is
Sue and she house shares with Roger, our long term investigator. No
lesson was taught but we answered his questions about the things that
confuse him in the church. Now Christmas Eve... president allowed us
to stretch the 1 hour tea rule to 2 hours. But our tea appointment
wasn't until 3pm so we had quite a bit of the day to fill. We decided
to knock on investigators doors and wish them a merry Christmas. Super
stellar weather, rain coming down sideways with the nice wind. Walked
45 minutes and our pants were absolutely soaked. First door and he was
a bit surprised but was soooooo nice.  He let us in and made some strong Asian
ginger honey tea and some mini rhubarb pie :))) Our tea was a traditional English Christmas meal. Turkey, mash, stuffing, sausage, gravy, carrots, rolls, bread sauce and breaded potatoes! Yummy for sure! 2 recent converts were also invited. They have a very special spirit.  One
that is eagerly looking for more; for the pure joy that can only be
found in the gospel.  

Christmas Day was different. Church was sacrament meeting only and we
did reading of the nativity and songs.  We spent the afternoon at a members house, 
and had an unusual Christmas dinner. Steak and chips (fries) and some funky 
Portuguese desserts.  I'm not complaining because it was delicious!! Skypd the 
fam as well.

Time is flying by! It's crazy how time works. Thank you to everyone who has
supported me with emails letters and even packages. So greatful!  

Love you all!! Chat in the new year ;)

Elder Pilling

Sent from the land of lads

Monday, December 19, 2016

Time is flying

Hey everyone,

Time is flying by. Happy 2 months!  Couple rough weeks in there but
things are good in Beverley (hills). I found some bikes at the
house!!!! They were in a back room. They had flat tires but I pumped
em up and tuned them. We rode them for 1 night, Monday night. We rode them
to the other side of Beverley which is usually 35 min walk.  It took maybe 10
minutes on the bikes. It was sooooooo good feeling the wind. But the
seat hurt my companions bottom and he prefers walking so we
haven't ridden them since. 

This week we were able to to teach some
recent converts for family home evening at the Turners which was
really fun. Also, we had the ward Christmas party on Saturday which was so
relaxing.  We were able to spend quality time building relationships with ward
members. Sunday the choir (which I am a member of)  sang which I
love!! Song brings a special, powerful spirit to any meeting. Sunday we
had a Christmas lunch with my favourite members. Yummy food!! And good
company. Some recent converts were also invited. My favourite part is
seeing a testimony grow. Wether it's a recent convert or long time member. The
happiness the gospel brings is beyond explanation. I challenge
everyone reading to read 1 thing gospel related per day. And slowly
grow your testimony. A talk or ensign article or scriptures.
Start your day off with prayer. I can testify that as you do these
things you will be happier and you will find more joy in life. As
Christmas gets close I wish all back home a merry Christmas. Hope you
all stay safe. Stay warm. And of course have loads of fun!

Scripture of the week Matthew 10:39.  Enjoy your week everyone!!!! Also
I thank all who have supported me and uplifted me and influenced me to
serve a mission. I know this is where I am needed and I know this is
where I need to be. Thank you.

With love,

Elder Pilling

Sent from the land of lads

Monday, December 12, 2016

Sprockers and Roosters

First, we got transfer calls Saturday night and we are both staying in
Beverley for the next transfer which is 7 weeks.

This week was slooooow only had 1 lesson with our investigator Steve.
So the attitude took a hit and things were not so awesome. But
Heavenly Father knows ME and he blessed me in a few ways. Wednesday at
our lesson with Steve, there was puppy, a sprocker which is a
spaniel cocker mix. Approx 1 year old and the cutest thing ever.
Literally cuddled on my lap for a whole hour haha. He was pretty much
all brown with a touch of white on his neck. His temper was so similar
to Oly 🐶. Tuesday we went on exchanges with some lads serving in
Hull. They travelled up to Beverley Monday night and so that was a good
change. I went with an Elder Tsosie, a quiet guy from Utah. He is new as
well, just 1 transfer ahead of me. We knocked doors and met a lady
named Courtnie who accepted a Book of Mormon and was interested in
learning more, so we set up a return appointment. The day was really
slow but we did have a tea appointment and those are always sooo good.
Wednesday we continued to do some finding and didn't have much
success BUT a small blessing from Heavenly Father. If you've been a
missionary you know that you usually have to find your own bathrooms,
so we were wandering through an estate and found a field to take a wee
and of course a big rooster pheasant was pecking in the sunlight :)
Those small things just make the day way better. Our week continued
and we had our return appointment with Courtnie and we were able to
talk more about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. She made a goal
for baptism with us January 6 :) More finding on Friday and on
Saturday we travelled north to a town called Driffield where we did
tons of knocking and lots of people talked with us which was nice. Amongst
all this finding, we met a boy about 13 years old who has caught the
fishing bug and he goes fishing 4-5 times a week. He is bait fishing but who cares
hahaha. He had a 16" brown trout in the net when we showed up!!!!! And
continued to catch another 14" when we were watching him. He prefers
carp on floating bread (I guess similar feeling to dry fly fishing
haha) but he caught these browns on worms. 

Today we spent the day in Hull where there are many shops and stuff. My companion loves tie
shopping so we did that all day. Not very much time to email. I am
warmer here than you guys back home haha. I am officially acclimatized.
I haven't worn thermal underwear for almost 2 weeks and usually just
wear my Patagonia sweater out. Hope u all have a wonderful week. I
should have way more time to email next week.  

I can testify that God knows us personally and God answers our prayers. So my advice is to pray and talk to him.  Let him help you in your life. He is eagerly awaiting the call for help. Life is difficult but it can be better with God's help.  Love you all very much. Thank you for the support and prayers.

Elder Pilling

Sent from the land of lads

Monday, December 5, 2016


Well it's my first bday in the field. It has been good. But this last
week has been incredible. I don't even know where to start. On Tuesday
we were street contacting and met a guy who lived in Utah for 3 months.
We were like, oh neat. Asked him if he has ever met missionaries and he
said he used to fix the sister missionary's bikes....... He's a semi
retiree pro mechanic...... After some more chatting turns out there's
a handmade ti bike frame company here in tiny Beverly!!!! He rides one
and said he'd show it to me. He does about 3-4,000 miles a year. Super
cool. He promised I could check out his bikes sometime. 

Fast forward to Thursday. We decided to knock on a lady's house who we had met my
first week. Quick chat on the doorstep about the plan of salvation
pamphlet, and we invited her to church.  She asked us to send a reminder
text on Sunday. Pause this story for a second. Friday we had the
opportunity to do some service for a couple in the ward. We moved a
ton of furniture around and they fed us lunch. It was THE BEST sandwich
I've ever had. They also invited us for tea later that day :) Upon
further bonding, some of their very good friends moved to Canada.
Alberta. Okotoks. Yes a second family from Beverly to Okotoks. The last name is Collins.
Spencer Collins. If you talk to them, let them know the Pashleys say hi. 
At tea we were chatting about American food and drinks. Turns out 
root beer is quite rare here which I didn't
know. But brother Pashleys quite enjoys root beer. He asked us if we
had ever tried Bunderburg root beer.... Mentioned it's an Australian
company. For those of you who don't know, that brand is my favourite
root beer and my favourite drink. He shared a few bottles with us.

On Sunday, the bishop blessed his new baby so for logistical
reasons he switched the meetings around so sacrament meeting was last.
Elder Blonquist and I were passing the sacrament so we didn't get a
chance to see if Alisha and her son came. Well THEY CAME TO CHURCH. So
because of the baby blessing there were easily twice as many people
there, so that was a little different. And bishop fed the entire ward
kinda a linger long deal. So Alisha and her son Adrian experienced an
extra cool sacrament meeting. Hoping to meet with her again later this

We have this little area close to our house where we have a few
potentials. Every Sunday we spend the day trying to contact them and
knocking on doors in the area. It's the 3rd Sunday we have done this
and every time there's a couple, Tony and Jen, who have been busy every
time we try and visit. This week they were literally headed out the
door BUT they invited us back next week for tea and a lesson!!! We
have never talked for more than 5 min with them haha. This never
happens here,

like ever. So the fruits of this week are; a titanium bike
mechanic guy, Bunderburg root beer, investigator at church, and tea
from a potential.... Today (my birthday) I got a haircut and some jam
filled doughnuts from Cooplands  (so good). And bought some root beer
😜 I think we will get my first fish and chips this week as well :)

Thank you to everyone who sent a letter or package or card. So so
blessed. Garry family, Steed family, Carmen and Kelly, Brad and Kelly,
Brad, Toni, Carmen and Kelly. Elder and Sister Garry, Grams and
Jack, Clair :) Once I figure out how this post stuff works and stuff
I'll send a return. I love getting mail btw. But I have transfers next
week so maybe don't send to my flat until you know 100% I'm staying

Some random guy fishing

Bunderburg Rootbeer (Cale's favorite)

Elder Pilling
Sent from the Land of Lads