Monday, September 11, 2017

Finding and Teaching through Facebook

Welcome to this week's edition of the what did Cale do, live from The land of lads. I hope you enjoy the stories and scriptures shared. 

Firstly, if you ever have a question about England or questions about me or if you want more stories drop me an email :) 

Pretty interesting week because on Thursday I logged on to Facebook! It's still pretty crazy but so far it is really useful. 

Some may ask why Facebook? The prophets and apostles have begun a time of hastening the work. There's a quote from a long while ago by John A. Widtsoe October 1946:
"Missionary work must grow in foreign fields as never before; missionary work at home must increase as never before. We shall employ every modern device--the telephone, telegraph, radio, printing press, the short wave systems … , and the other devices that are coming. We shall use them all in our attempt to win men and women from wickedness to righteousness, from untruth or near truth to full and complete truth, which is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ." 

So the whole purpose of Facebook is to be able to easier connect with members and new friends we meet! We have found that people would rather give you their Facebook than a phone number. It's crazy. We add them and then message them and can easily set up appointments or teach over video chat or even teach over chat. We also have a wider reach. With approval from our mission president, we can teach our friends and family. 

We are pushing the work forward and it's incredible. Already we have found 1 new person who wants to learn through Facebook! I'll touch more on this later. 

So the weather has been crazy. Usually really heavy rain on and off. So perfectly sunny, then pouring down. So we got wet pretty quickly a few times. 

I broke down and bought an umbrella. Cost £1 which is 1.50$ cad. My goal is for it to last the rest of my mission :)

So we got Facebook on Thursday. And Thursday night our zone leaders were able to teach Leon's sister with Leon. So it was a triple video call. This turned out to be an extra big miracle. Not only did she accept a baptismal date, but Leon has an uncle who was in the room and heard the entire lesson. He got quite emotional when he learned what the gospel can do for him. He doesn't really find joy in his life and to see Leon turn his life around made him want to be better. 

All from 1 Facebook lesson. 2 new investigators. And they are really good. We have tried for weeks to teach uncle Ivan but he always goes upstairs when we show up. :/now he is learning and reading! 

I have been able to create some really good friendships on my mission. I can quite easily find a friend in most people. Especially if they are nice. So we have a nice lady who owns a fish n chip shop! Very nice. She genuinely cares about us and about our families. She hooked us up with free food! Then we proceeded to get soaked by rain. Some good times. 

Went bowling today.... first round I was struggling wow. Like at 45 till the last frame. 3 strikes in the last frame!! Nailed it. Second round was better 120. We all got smoked by a sister. She got 187 😳

One of the biggest FOCUSES we have as a companionship is to teach from the Book of Mormon. One thing I have noticed is as my scriptural knowledge grows, the influence the scriptures have on my life also grows. I apply the doctrine taught and really see so many more ways I can be happier. 

Mosiah 24:15 says; And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord.

We have all heard this scripture. The point I want to focus on is the "lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease". The lord did not take away these burdens but he is strengthen us enough to carry them. We all go through burdens, we all suffer greatly and only through Jesus Christ will we be able to "bear our burdens with ease".

I love the Book of Mormon. I have come to know its goodness through diligent, prayerful scripture study. Prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day and you will see your life change beautifully. More peace, more direction and more HAPPINESS. 


Elder P

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