This week I have been studying chapter 4 in Preach My Gospel. I have spent some extra time on the light of Christ. As part of my studies I have been reading a talk by Boyd K. Packer titled The Light Of Christ. Things which I have forgotten have been brought to my mind. First and probably the most important is a quote by President Joseph Fielding Smith. He spoke of the teachings of the Holy Ghost and of the Spirit of Christ: “Every man can receive a manifestation of the Holy Ghost, even when he is out of the Church, if he is earnestly seeking for the light and for the truth. The Holy Ghost will come and give the man the testimony he is seeking, and then withdraw; and the man does not have a claim upon another visit or constant visits and manifestations from him. He may have the constant guidance of that other Spirit, the Spirit of Christ.”
As missionaries we are to aid in helping people receive a manifestation of the Holy Ghost, but also to help people fan the light of Christ into a roaring fire, one which compels all to do better.
Boyd K. packer said, "Every man, woman, and child of every nation, creed, or color--everyone, no matter where they live or what they believe or what they do--has within them the imperishable Light of Christ."
Being a member missionary is hard yes. But if we try to see all the people around us in a new light, we can see we all know people who have burdens which can be lifted through the gospel. Find the light of Christ in those around you and help them see it!
In Psalms 145:8 it says, "The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy." Find love for all people. I am loving being able to develop love for those people I teach.
The work here is a challenge. We have a few Slovak friends and I don't speak any Slovak, but I am already developing a love for them. I can already see the light of Christ in them and it is such a blessing being able to help them see and feel it as well.
We have a friend named Jackie. She has gone through some seriously hard things in her life. She gets anxiety and is easily scared off. We love working with her because deep down we can see she has that light of Christ and she can recognize it as well. As of this time she is going to be baptized middle of may.
The weather is crazy on this side. It has steep hills all around so the weather changes so drastically. But I always stay dry in my MEC coat!
I saw the tour de Yorkshire roll through yesterday! Ha, it was a long steep hill and they were dying haha. It was fun though. Cycling is so popular here too.
I don't have any pics companion is camera shy.
Thanks for your support everyone!
Elder Pilling
Sent from the land of lads